Cruz Surges in New Iowa Republican Poll

Speaking about Mitt Romney's immigration policies in 2012, "He had an insane policy of self deportation which was maniacal", Trump says.

The journalists did point out later in the article that Trump would actually bring some voters over to the Republican column, such as conservative Democrats (if there are any left) and blue-collar workers.

Republican elites are panicky about the durable dominance of Trump (and to a lesser extent Ben Carson) in the presidential race.

With the denial fading, Gerson asks, "Is it possible, and morally permissible, for economic and foreign policy conservatives, and for Republicans motivated by their faith, to share a coalition with the advocates of an increasingly raw and repugnant nativism?" Yet in the crowded and unruly 2016 Republican primary, Cruz is trying to position himself as the grown-up alternative to Trump and Ben Carson, two inexperienced and undisciplined front-runners who have so far captivated their party's most passionate voters by riding a wave of anti-immigrant rhetoric.

For example, Iowa State University and WHO-HD gives Carson more than a ten point lead in the Hawkeye State.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks to guests following a town hall meeting at Des Moines Area Community College, Newton Campus on November 19, 2015 in Newton, Iowa. Which is why when writers like National Review's Kevin Williamson lay the blame for Trump's ascent at the feet of conservative movement jesters Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh, and shrug that nothing can be done-"as a matter of culture, Trump is-unhappily-right where a great many conservatives are: angry, sputtering, lashing out". In the aftermath of that tragedy, I was astounded to hear endless Washington-New York talking heads suggest that in light of the increasing threat of ISIS and growing worldwide tension, GOP voters would now turn to presidential candidates "with more experience" than Trump; prima facie evidence that these analysts are totally out of touch with the rest of the nation. "I'm confident that America is better than that, even if some may respond to [anti-Muslim sentiment] in the short term".

Tracy Jan and Annie Linskey of the Boston Globe report: "The concern, party leaders and strategists say, is not just winning the general election and reclaiming the White House". "Trump's campaign message reflects a kind of creeping fascism". So it can't be all bad, right? "I am not getting involved in a campaign or joining a campaign, and I won't".

We've seen nativist and other hardcore reactionary attitudes rise before, usually in tough economic times. He sent out bogus statistics claiming that 81% of white murder victims are killed by black people; after Bill O'Reilly of Fox News told him that wasn't true, Trump shrugged and said he didn't have time to check the facts. Among that group, Citizen Trump scores high. The group plans to sponsor unconventional television and radio ad buys, along with Web ads and opposition research.

Huey-Burns details other efforts aimed at driving opposition to Trump - most of it, again, centered on fear. My question for those sponsoring these endeavors is, what makes you think these things will work, and, even if they do, what comes after? How about a second Thanksgiving holiday to thank God for giving America Donald Trump? Obama says he follows the general counsel too. About 1 in 10 Colorado Republicans are undecided in the race.

Carson believes he can help his party cut into what has traditionally been a core Democratic constituency - only about 2 percent of registered Republicans are black, according to a Gallup poll - by appealing to socially conservative African-Americans who oppose abortion and same-sex marriage. And I'm guessing that as more is known about Marco Rubio, he'll be just as unpalatable to those demanding a thorough cleansing of Washington. He raised the third-most of any candidate in the third quarter, and if you count the huge sums raised by several super PACs on his behalf, he trails only Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton in total fundraising.

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