About Us

SeatingChair initially started in the field of Print Media. Within 2 years, we have expanded to all over the Eastern states in the Indian sub-continent, and in parts of Union territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. SeatingChair.com is the online version of our news agency, which strives to gather information about relevant important topics from all over the world. Our content caters to a huge audience and with diverse demographics.

With the advent and growing popularity of the Internet as a source of information, the daily’s website gets hundreds of thousands of hits every day from internet users worldwide. We provide updates to our subscribers and readers with news about sports, entertainment, business, finance and a huge variety of topics.

The Editor-in-chief

Rodolfo Wallace is the editor-in-chief of SeatingChair, and the website administrator of SeatingChair.com. Having spent most of his early years in Europe Latin America, his focus tends to be on Foreign Policy of the Western Countries, and its effect on the entire global economy. He has also been published in many English dailies, including The Telegraph.

Our writers have a huge contribution in our growth.