Presidential Poll Results: Ted Cruz Passes Ben Carson in Latest Iowa Poll

This tendentious, goalpost-shifting, factually inaccurate "debunking" of the fact-check will more than qualify as "truth" to people who are motivated enough to believe it. And it let Trump put himself in the position he likes to inhabit: that of the unfairly maligned victim pushing back against his persecutors. "You bet your ass I would - in a heartbeat", Trump said to loud cheers during a rally at a convention center here night that attracted thousands.

Trump repeated the assertion on Sunday in an interview with George Stephanopoulos on ABC's "This Week", as Stephanopoulos explained to Trump that police had refuted any such rumours at the time. This morning, Donald Trump doubling down on his statement that he saw on television muslims in New Jersey celebrating the 9/11 attacks. "They're coming from a certain part of the world with a certain philosophy", Trump said.

Fact-checkers - including The New York Times, The Washington Post, PolitiFact, and others - reported that there is no basis to claim that "thousands and thousands" of people celebrated the September 11 attacks that day in New Jersey. "I don't think we're going to grab eleven-and-a-half million people out of their homes and ship 'em back to Mexico, dividing families". I don't know if on the basis of that all Muslims are bad people. Carson won at social issues, while Trump was again seen as the most capable of dealing with economic problems.

However, Carson spokesman Doug Watts said he's reached out to the reporter "to determine what exactly Ben said to her".

Tuesday's poll represents encouraging progress for Cruz, a firebrand senator whose message and proposals overlap largely with those of Trump. "Do you know what that means?"

When Mr Trump was asked whether this level of surveillance might require registering Muslims in a database, or giving them ID badges, he said he wouldn't rule it out.

"I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down". Trump announced the event during an appearance Thursday in SC, saying it would be "in the next few weeks".

But a recent Politifact investigation found no evidence that those allegations were proven true.

Donald Trump signed a pledge to run as a Republican in the 2016 Presidential election, but Mr. Cohen indicated the agreement will be invalid if Republicans attack him.

However, a CNN report subsequently questioned that claim by noting that he lived a healthy distance from lower Manhattan.

I give you, Ben Carson's response Monday to Trump's allegations, a response that amounts to "Yeah, I saw that too".

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