Bernie Sanders Grapples With His First Scandal

Clinton Saturday accepted Sanders' public apology at the debate. Briggs declined to name the staffers, who he said were suspended Saturday after logs regarding the breach were handed over to the campaign by the DNC.

For Sanders, the rhetoric feeds directly into the Democratic Primary battle he needs to have with Clinton in order to win. Hours after Sanders filed a federal lawsuit on Friday claiming that the DNC had overreacted, the party leadership agreed to let his campaign regain access to key voter information.

For Sanders, Clinton's main competitor, little has changed from his previous stance on what he calls "establishment politics and establishment economics" and the nation's "rigged economy".

Sanders has always been a man with a near-tunnel vision focus on his mission: Highlight the issues he has been talking about for years, income inequality, Wall Street and affordable healthcare. "But a lot of them still want to fight from the air and not from the ground", Paul said on CNN's "State of the Union".

"With respect to my own husband, I am probably still going to pick the flowers and the china for state dinners and stuff like that", said Ms Clinton, the frontrunner for her party's nomination. "I believe that all of our kids should go into an income-based repayment plan", O'Malley said. On the other hand, Sanders downplayed Trump's viability for the presidential role. Arming more people, I think, is not the appropriate response to terrorism. "Maybe that's normal politics in Washington".

Finally, at another point, she charged that Trump was "becoming ISIS' best recruiter". Chelsea Clinton has also started fundraising for her mother, hosting a family-friendly one last week hosted by Drew Barrymore.

Hillary Clinton communications director Jennifer Palmieri struggled Sunday to defend her boss' claim that videos of Donald Trump's anti-Muslim rhetoric were being used as recruitment tools for the Islamic State. Reporter: Her campaign later unable to prove such video exists. Trump said at the rally at the DeltaPlex Arena in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Sanders said. "It was the night of the big football game in Iowa". Clinton challenged Sanders on how he would pay for those proposals, suggesting he'd pass on the costs to states and middle class Americans. Those all-important caucuses just six weeks away.

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