Oilfield Threading Services

API Threading

API Threading – Meeting Industry Standards and Your Needs

Argus offers API threading services under the API Monogram Program. Dedicated to manufacturing products to our oil and gas customers’ exacting standards, we are proud to be licensed to API-Q1 and hold ISO 9001:2008 certification. Our API threading licenses include:

Whether you need to re-cut a changeover sub, fix a drill collar, or require custom machining, you can trust Argus to meet or exceed your expectations. We also offer a wide variety of sizes and grades of API adapters and couplings to accommodate your Buttress, STC and LTC requirements.

At Argus, API threading is supported by more than 35 CNC lathes and 10 conventional lathes.

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Ansel Adams Trust and Rick Norsigian settle suits over disputed 'lost negatives' Norsigian may continue to sell his prints, but under the settlement he must use a disclaimer that has been approved by the Adams Trust.
ASP.NET Real-time Currency Converter with the help of API (Google, Yahoo), Web service, and jQuery Ajax A0229; efficiency: 4px 5px 4px 10px; vertical-align: bottom; text-align: left; background-color: #C7CCD1; font-weight:bold; }.center { text-align: center; }.leader { font-family: tahoma; font-size: 12px; coloring: #032610; }
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Create A Currency Converter in PHP, Python, Javascript and after that jQuery using Yahoo Currency API A%2F%2Fdatatables.org%2Falltableswithkeys" try out: yql_response = urllib2.urlopen(yql_query_url) try out: yql_json = json.
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Java Currency Converter with the help of Yahoo Finance API – Currency Matrix I was standing showing on the previous post:
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foreach (XmlNode RSSNode opt in RSSNodeList)
RSSSubNode = RSSNode.SelectSingleNode("description");
stringmeaning= RSSSubNode!= null? RSSSubNode.InnerText: "";
int eqposn = meaning.IndexOf(" = ");
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Spec. Q1, Spec. 5B, Spec. 7, Spec. 11B in the role of well in the role of many special API gages. Our conveyor engineers have served on various API gaging subcommittees.
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API 5CT/ISO 11960 P110 Seamless Casing Pipes With VAM Thread Coupling
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Checking this kind of is but not cheap but these are but not cheap accessories. If you are a 1/4 -1/2 distance down and a joint breaks the data rescue costs are very high.
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ISO 9001:2008 (API-Q1
API Adapters, Accessories, Couplings and after that More:
Whether the individual need to re-cut a changeover sub, fix a drill collar, or require custom machining, the individual can trust
ASP.NET Real-time Currency Converter with the help of API (Google, Yahoo), Web service, and jQuery Ajax GOOG",
We could well get in touch with you see, the Yahoo Web Method by set up you see, the url set up of jQuery Ajax get in touch with as below.
url: "WebService.asmx/ConvertYHOO",
When you see, the element with ID “submit” (Convert button) often is clicked then this method will get text.
Create the currency converter application using Yahoo! API Create(); PreferenceManager.setDefaultValues(this, R.xml.settings, false); sp = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); dbHelper = new DbHelper(this); db = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase(); } to private static String getBaseCurrency() { return sp.
Java Currency Converter with the help of Yahoo Finance API – Currency Matrix From(String from)
all of this.as a result of = from;
public String getTo()
come back with to;
public void setTo(String to)
all of this.to = to;
public float getPrice()
come back with price;
This is the code of
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Yahoo Currency Converter Web Service Currency ripping tools for major word currencies. Convert more in comparison to what 200 foreign currency cross rates at today’s exchange price tag.
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A Java library to make JSON to Java objects and vice-versa. Gson often is a Java library that can be made use of to make Java Objects into their JSON manifestation. It can
Get live comfortably currency rates in PHP and currency process using APIs CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.
Simple Currency Conversion Rate API Consumption For Ruby / Rails UPDATE:
I altered you see, the xml string below to better take better care of single digit year months. Xavier needs '01' you'll be able to of '1'
use "cgi" use "uri" use "net/https" use "rexml/document"module XavierMedia # Returns you see, the exchange rate (AUD/USD) on you see, the given year.
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$from = ‘CAD'; /*change it so that you can your required currencies */
$to = ‘USD';
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NPSM in the right position pipe twine ring gages and set attaches are manufactured just just for a ANSI/ASME B1.20.1. NPSM in the right position pipe twine promotion gages are manufactured just just for a ANSI/ASME B1.20.1. All in the right position pipe twine gages are supplied in a class 2A just just for rings and set attaches and 2B just just for working twine promotion gages.
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API 5CT/ISO 11960 P110 Seamless Casing Pipes With VAM Thread Coupling
Type of the Thread
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Seamless ouert shell, simple tube, simple oil pipe, natural gas pipe, simple steel pipe, ouert shell
Thread: API post Originally Posted by -
Oil well pipes.
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What often is a Pipe ? LogicalHandlerandafter that SOAPHandler. These pipes are heavy-weight;andthey often consume a message in a bundleandafter that create a new one,andafter that and pass it to the next pipe. For show reason it probably makes sense to will need one Pipe instance that invokes a combination of of LogicalHandler s, another one for SOAPHandler.