World's Second-Largest, Thousand-Carat Diamond Discovered in Botswana

According to the company is the second largest ever discovered diamonds.

The Type IIa diamond measures 65 millimetres by 56mm by 40mm.

LONDON-A near tennis-ball-sized gem found this week in Botswana is the second-largest diamond ever unearthed, smaller only than a precious stone that furnished a few of the British crown's most valuable jewels.

"I am truly at a loss for words", added Lamb.

In a statement released by the company, Lucara disclosed that its mine at the Karowe mine in north-central Botswana was 1,111 carat and had underlined the area in Botswana as one of the world's most prolific diamond-producing areas.

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One of the most famous diamonds in existence, the Cullinan Diamond which was cut into nine pieces, one of which - the 530.2 carat Star of Africa - sits in the Crown Jewels collection.

Botswana is the largest producer of diamonds in the world.

The historic significance of the Botswana diamond as the world's second-largest makes it hard to evaluate how much buyers might pay for it, he told DPA by telephone.

After Lucara announced the gem's discovery, it confirmed 24-hours later that two further stones - the largest being an estimated 813 carats - had been found as well at the same mine. "Valuation will depend on potential inclusions, how it would behave in cutting, and optimal shape as well as final color".

"All these things will need to be evaluated prior to bidding".

The diamond is likely to be bought by a high-end diamond collector.

Lucara recently sold a 336ct stone for US$8.18mln, around $24,324 per carat and an 84ct for US$$4.13mln, or around US$49,467 per carat.

This story was first published on, "Biggest diamond in 100 years sends miner soaring".

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