Russian Federation assists Free Syrian Army to take on IS

"Strike aircraft will now carry out operations under cover of fighter jets", Putin said. The message from President Vladimir Putin was clear - to eliminate any threats to his military in Syria.

Also on Friday, the U.S. state department said secretary of state John Kerry will hold talks next week with Russian president Vladimir Putin on Syria and Ukraine. "Besides, we are providing them, as well as the Syrian army, with air support and are supplying armaments, ammunition and hardware", he specified.

"Multipurpose use of the Space and Air Force and the Navy, use of the most modern high precision weapon system allowed us to cause serious damage to terrorists' infrastructure and to radically change the situation in Syria", Putin said. He said it is only providing air cover.

Russia's aerial bombing campaign in Syria has previously been criticised by Western analysts and rebel sources who say most of the Russian bombing - which they say is attacking IS - has targeted anti-Assad groups who are not jihadists.

 A USA official close to the US-led coalition against IS told the BBC: "We've seen no evidence that the Russians and the Free Syrian Army are working together".

The Russian president also used the occasion to review the status of Russia's 20 trillion ruble (£150bn) decade-long military rearmament program, calling on special focus be paid to ensuring that upgrades to Russia's nuclear arsenal are completed on time and within the budget.

Disagreement over which Syrian opposition groups should take part in the peace process, and a list of terrorist groups that would be excluded, is holding up the December 18 talks, said Vitaly Churkin, Russia's envoy to the United Nations, according to state news service RIA Novosti.

If confirmed would be a shift in Moscow's Syria policy.

Turkey's foreign minister said Friday his country is refraining from responding, but added the country's patience has limits.

Mevlut Cavusoglu said Ankara wants to overcome tensions but Moscow is using "every opportunity" to hit back.

He said a Russian military base in the country had been reinforced with new air units and defence equipment. The FSA has rejected Russian offers of help in the past.

Defence minister Sergei Shoigu said Russian warplanes have flown 4,000 combat sorties in Syria since the launch of air strikes, destroying 8,000 "terrorist" targets.

"I won't give exact figures now because this will be said by the defense minister in his report, but I'll say the main thing".

The central bank in Moscow earlier said Russian Federation needs to establish its own rating agency that would be "resistant to geopolitical risks".

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