The Buzz about the Xbox One new update

"Xbox One owners may want to download Dirt 3 even if they don't have an Xbox 360, as the game-and all subsequent Xbox 360 Games With Gold titles, are backwards-compatible".

Backwards compatibility has become one of the most used terms in gaming industry since Microsoft announced Xbox One would soon support a lot of Xbox 360 titles already owned by gamers.

"If you're buying a console for games, you're buying an Xbox".

The New Xbox One Experience is considered to be a major Xbox One revamp, with the update supposedly due to launch on November 12.

Xbox One's marketing executive Aaron Greenberg assures consumers, however, that the Xbox One is still riding strong.

"Dungeon Siege III" ($19.99) - in November 16 up to the end of the month, Xbox 360 Games With Gold members will get to download and install, for no charge at all, Square Enix and Obsidian Entertainment's hit action-adventure RPG. For the record, the Xbox One and PS4 now cost the same: $350. The complete edition of the game features exciting contents like "The Monte Carlo Rally Pack", "The X Games Asia Track Pack", "The Power and Glory vehicle Pack", just to name a few. Microsoft, by far, has the more superior titles coming into the holiday season.

It's not a bad deal when you think about it, especially since Forza Motorsport 6 and Halo 5: Guardians are both critically acclaimed (with Rise of the Tomb Raider seemingly heading down the same path).

"We think we'll continue to be competitive this holiday in our top markets with the offerings that we have", said Greenberg. "We know that games [are] what drive console sales, and we have games and we have the greatest games lineup in the history of our business". So we feel really happy with where we're at.

"For us, since frankly since we've been in this business, we've really focused on over-delivering on value".

In a new video Microsoft reveals to Xbox One owners what they can expect when the New Xbox One Experience arrives for them in a little over a week's time.

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