Russia to deploy missiles that can pierce NATO defenses, Putin says

The incident occurred this week during a meeting of Russian President Vladimir Putin with top military officers of the Russian Armed Forces in Sochi, located on the Black Sea in southwestern Russia.

Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov confirmed that major TV channels had leaked a few classified data on Tuesday following the meeting in Sochi.

In what the Kremlin claims was an accident, during the of Russian President Vladimir Putin's meeting with senior generals and representatives from the arms industry the secret document detailing "Ocean Multipurpose System: Status-6" was shown for a few seconds by state-owned Russia and NTV.

"In the future, we will certainly take preventive measures not to let it happen again", Pesko said, according to CNN.

Putin has held four meetings on defense issues in as many days this week, reflecting the close attention he is paying to military modernization at a time of heightened tensions with the United States and Europe over the crisis in Ukraine.

He vowed that Russian Federation would counter Nato's US-led shield programme with new weapons "capable of penetrating any missile defences".

For those of us who can't read Russian, the document details a new long-range nuclear torpedo Russia is supposedly developing. He proposed targeting the US with high-yield nuclear torpedoes that would create huge tsunami waves and high levels of radioactivity to render large coastline areas uninhabitable.

Pavel Felgenhauer, an independent military analyst, told AP, the new system is an update on Sakharov's idea.

It remained unclear how the images ended up being broadcast on Russia's tightly controlled TV channels.

The documents appears to reveal the giant torpedo's range as "up to 10,000km" and depth of trajectory "up to 1000m".

Mark Schneider, a former Pentagon official, said the document appears to be an accidental disclosure that confirms the Free Beacon report that the weapon is created to attack coastal cities. "This is alarming in light of the translation of the mission of the drone" to disrupting an adversary's economy by causing massive radioactive contamination for long periods, Schneider said.

The amount of new and upgraded models of weaponry received by the Russian military this year has increased by over a quarter compared to 2014, according to Putin.

I dunno, these torpedoes are the kind of thing the world ought to know about, if for no other reason than so someone can put an arm around Russia's shoulder, offer them a glass of warm milk, and send them to fucking bed.

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