Hilton shares soar after possible REIT spinoff report

Overall, Hilton shares are down roughly 14 percent this year. Stock trading is easier when the volatility profile is such. 19,052,680 shares traded hands during trading, an increase of 180% from the previous session's volume of 6,810,609 shares.

Hilton Worldwide Holdings (NYSE:HLT) last issued its quarterly earnings data on Wednesday, October 28th. It has underperformed by 22.75% the S&P500. Its down 1.79, from 2.63 in 2015Q2.

We rate HILTON WORLDWIDE HOLDINGS as a Hold with a ratings score of C. The primary factors that have impacted our rating are mixed - some indicating strength, some showing weaknesses, with little evidence to justify the expectation of either a positive or negative performance for this stock relative to most other stocks. 2 analysts have suggested buying the shares. The New York-based Long Pond Capital Lp has invested 4.44% in the stock.

Analysts at Zacks have given a short term rating of hold on Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc. This means 86% are positive. Berenberg initiates coverage on Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc.

Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc. The Companys flagship full-service brand is Hilton Hotels & Resorts.

Hilton Worldwide brands include the Waldorf Astoria, Hampton Inn, and DoubleTree. "Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc.is headquartered in McLean, Virginia". FBR & Co. began coverage on Hilton Worldwide Holdings in a research report on Friday, November 20th. The company has a market cap of $21,842 million and the number of outstanding shares has been calculated to be 987,451,860 shares. The Firm comprises of approximately 4,322 hotels, resorts and timeshare properties comprising of 715,062 rooms in 94 countries and territories.

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