Hanna Sponsoring Legislation On Solar Net Metering

In recent years, solar energy has grown rapidly in Massachusetts, with major benefits for communities across the state. "With net metering, customers can become energy self-sufficient and return their excess capacity back to the grid in exchange for credits, benefiting all of us". 

The PUC has received net metering proposals from a number of stakeholders.

It was only a few years ago many in the electricity generation and distribution sector looked down their noses at solar, not perceiving it to be a threat. Solar can cut costs by reducing demand on the grid during times of peak electricity use and by avoiding the need to invest in transmission infrastructure. It's also the first big decision taking Hawaii away from the "energy crossroads" between distributed and utility-scale power.

Since then, Rep. Thomas Golden, D-Lowell, the House chairman of the Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy, has been circulating among stakeholders the House's opening gambit for a solar expansion that would lift the cap on net metering to 2,400 megawatts.

So which logic is more compelling? Is net metering a burdensome requirement or is it beneficial to everyone? Customers with shaded roofs, apartment dwellers, lower-income customers, those with poor credit, and others, can subscribe to a "slice" of a community solar project, and get a credit off their bill. It's the culmination of a years-long battle and a proxy in the national fight between utilities and solar-producing customers.

The new Grid Supply and Self Supply programs are expected to be available to customers by October 21. A very hot summer day, for instance, will require more energy to meet high air conditioning loads. "The off-grid solar solution is wonderful and should be replicated all over the country", he said.

But how would we quantify the full value of solar? Unfortunately, they got it wrong, and Hawaiian solar producers are paying the price.

"The investment we're making in renewable solar energy will help to ensure a sustainable future for Austin, which is a core priority of the Imagine Austin plan established in partnership with the community", said City Manager Marc Ott.

At the same time, the utility and suppliers would see a decline in retail revenue of $45 million since solar customers would not be paying as much for their electricity.

Leading by Example program is focused on installing solar photovoltaic parking canopies and electric vehicle charging stations at state facilities.

The researchers from the Research and Development Unit, Nigeria Re and the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, agreed that the erratic supply of power by Power Holding Company of Nigeria has not only forced the urban dwellers that are presumed to have more access to the electricity than their rural counterpart to the similar fate of the rural dwellers. So you earn more savings and have to pay out less!

I should stress that even with solar energy, we need utilities and power generators. Massachusetts' booming solar industry now supports more than 12,000 jobs. Light, traveling at over 700 million miles per hour, can be harnessed from the sun as an incredible source of energy for humans to use. Development of solar power needs a reboot to take a more rational and less subsidized approach.

Sites which utilize renewable energy systems can receive tax credits for every kilowatt hour of excess energy produced.

Energy Secretary Matthew Beaton said he views the governor's bill as the "compromise document", balancing the interests of consumers, utilities and the solar industry with "short-term relief from the cap". Read the original article.

Richard Flarend is Associate Professor of Physics, Pennsylvania State University.
