James Franco Caught Necking Emma Watson

The star posted a freakish image on Instagram showing off his new "ink", but his tribute to the Harry Potter heroin isn't what it seems. Of course, this was a big hoax, per James Franco tradition on Instagram, but this may start a flirting trend with Emma Watson, recently single.

At least James Franco isn't flailing around trying to get with the already taken Lana Del Rey. James shared along with his ink pic, "I 3 Hermoine".

Cheyenne is known for using computer wizardry to add real-looking tattoos to pictures of celebrities, and the post appears to hint James' new inking is a fake. So, maybe Franco doesn't really have Watson on his neck forever - but he does now have his admiration memorialized forever in art. We can't wait to hear what Watson thinks about this.

However, even we were shocked by his recent decision to get one of Hollywood's hottest starlets tattooed on his neck.

But, before Watson runs for a restraining order (kidding!), everyone can remain calm because all of the tattoos are just temporary. The two young teens at the time hit things off straight away, kept in contact, and became the best of friends. She is a musician who is a poet and a video artist. "She grew up on the East Coast but she is an artist of the West Coast", Franco told Rolling Stone.
