China chastises USA for "show of military force"

Denying that China's activity in the South China Sea will restrict freedom of navigation and overflight in accordance with global law, Zhang said China will nevertheless oppose any country infringing upon its sovereignty and security in the name of the freedom.

The US Navy warship sailed past one of China's artificial islands in the South China Sea yesterday, in a challenge to Chinese sovereignty claims that drew an angry protest from Beijing, which said the move damaged US-China relations and regional peace.

On Tuesday, Defense Secretary Ash Carter doubled down on the administration's characterization of the sail-by as exercising the right to freely navigate worldwide waters. The New York Times says that "Max Baucus was summoned to the Foreign Ministry on Tuesday evening and told that the United States should stop 'threatening Chinese sovereignty and security interests, ' the national broadcaster CCTV said".

The Philippines, which has filed an arbitration case with the United Nations questioning China's sweeping claims over the sea, led USA allies in the region in hailing the warship's passage through the disputed waters.

"The Chinese side expresses its strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition". USA ally the Philippines welcomed the move as a way of helping maintain "a balance of power".

"The Chinese are certainly not going to back down over the structures they have erected, and they well upgrade what they've done so as to develop capability for landing aircraft or better harbours with ships", says Rod Wye, associate fellow with the Asia program at Chatham House in London.

As the Two Way has reported, China has created islands by dredging sand and piling it on top of partly-submerged coral reefs: "The idea is for China to stake an even bigger claim to hotly-contested territory in the South China Sea, which is an area also claimed by the Philippines and Vietnam".

"The U.S.-China relationship is vitally important and one that we want to see continue to improve and to grow for the benefit of both our countries, not to mention the region", Kirby told reporters in Washington.

The USA official, who spoke to AFP on the condition of anonymity, said the "freedom-of-navigation" patrols were expected to become more frequent.

The message came after the USS Lassen warship passed a few twelve nautical miles from the disputed Spratly islands in the South China Sea on Tuesday morning.

"China will resolutely respond to any country's deliberate provocations", the ministry said.
