Donald Trump Hits Highest Support and Widest Lead Yet, New Poll Shows

Horse race polls have become the junk food of political journalism. "We do not believe he intended his comments regarding negotiations and money to relate specifically to their Jewishness, but we understand that they could be interpreted that way", Greenblatt wrote. I think every news division is guilty of this. Trump critics have been sitting in the pumpkin patch waiting for the Great Pumpkin, i.e. Trump's supposedly inevitable slide in the polls, for six months now. Two, we recall when our national December 2011 NBC/WSJ poll had Newt Gingrich up 17 points over Mitt Romney.

Several GOP candidates had somewhat odd ways of speaking to influential members of the GOP Jewish community yesterday at the Republican Jewish Coalition forum. "It's much harder in the primaries".

Numerous candidates have been eager to portray themselves as close to Adelson. "These polls are like a finger in the wind". Our candidates shouldn't miss this point. From surveys, of course. Realizing our poll was being done at a point while Carson was falling nationally in the polls... if the Republican primary were held today, Trump would win.

That October poll testing the larger Democratic field found Clinton with a 45% to 29% lead over Sanders, suggesting the shrinking field has primarily benefited Clinton - up 13 points - while doing little to boost Sanders' numbers - up 1 point. What that doesn't take into account is that voters can simply shift as it comes time to actually vote.

When Palestinian leadership rejects the existence of Israel, the President of the United States should condemn such commentary, but Obama says nothing to counter the incitement by Palestinians, he said. It's a sequential process, too; the outcome of one contest influences voters in the next.

In the past, they have made a lot of decisions as to who will be elected and I see that group of voters deciding this presidential election. "People are still overreacting to pre-election year polls", said Larry J. Sabato, a University of Virginia political scientist. Since the caucuses are February 1, that means you can safely ignore the candidates' rankings until after Christmas.

The poll finds Clinton widely seen as better able to handle matters of foreign policy than Sanders, an advantage that has helped the former secretary of state as global affairs and national security have gained prominence in the presidential campaign. Still, even among Trump's supporters, most say it wouldn't be possible to deport all those living in the US illegally (55%). And not only does he have a big lead, his lead's gotten bigger: He's up nine points since CNN last surveyed the country, thanks mainly to the decline of Ben Carson and Jeb Bush. Although they can't tell us who's going to win, they can tell us who's worth watching, or who's attracted enough support to have a shot at winning.

Further evidence: Despite endless rhetoric from Cruz and Marco Rubio about destroying ISIS, defending Israel, stopping Iran, and so forth, Trump crushes them when voters are asked who would best handle ISIS.

Education is one factor that sharply divides most Republican voters. People can be led towards answers and priming can muddy the results.


