Russian Federation Launches Int'l Climate Portal Prior to Paris Climate Conference

Furthermore, the text reads that Parties to the post-2020 climate deal will seek to agree concrete measures addressing these emissions, including developing procedures for incorporating emissions from worldwide aviation and marine bunker fuels into low-emission development strategies. The leadership of major economies was deemed critical in the results of the upcoming Paris climate change conference.

Insurance companies are paying close attention to climate change, and recognizes that it's in their interest to address the threat, said Matt Cullen, ABI's head of strategy.

Mats Andersson, CEO of Fjärde AP-fonden/Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund, said: "If you are serious about fighting climate change, putting a price on carbon is the most cost-effective way Carbon pricing provides the right signals to the investor community and will help us start reallocating money from the bad to the good".

The agreement, which the United Nations expects to seal in Paris in December, won't solve climate change because of the greenhouse gases already in the atmosphere, UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres said Tuesday in a speech at the Association of British Insurers in London.

"The INDCs are not enough to say with any confidence my country will be saved", said Tony de Brum, foreign minister for the Marshall Islands, one of the nations most threatened by rising sea levels at the event. Now the developed world is presenting that they have mobilised $62 million. But Shri Arun Jaitley was forthright in Lima by telling them that this was double accounting and that this was not acceptable. I told the world that $100 million is not the cost of climate action. The cost of climate action is trillions of dollars per annum, Shri Javadekar said. Referring to the Bonn round of negotiation where the proposals from all countries were compiled in a 55-page document, the CSE said the main achievement of the talk was to "restore a sense of balance in the text and to not exclude the voice of developing countries".

"By showcasing these remarkable solutions and the people behind them we can strengthen efforts toward that new agreement, accelerate the global transition to a low-carbon, highly resilient development path and mark a turning point in the sustainable management of planet Earth for the seven billion alive today and the ten billion by 2050". The earlier draft, issued by the ADP Co-chairs, was heavily tilted towards what the developed countries had been asking for. "The challenge for governments is to bring it down to a much more concise and coherent form for adoption in Paris". "We now live in an entirely different world", said one European Union delegates at the talks.
