Leah Remini talked Scientology and Tom Cruise on Nightline this weekend

Earlier this year "Going Clear", an HBO documentary based on a book of the same name by Lawrence Wright, shared inside stories from former members of the Church of Scientology, and those claims put a spotlight on the organization.

She told them, "I don't think he's becoming of a Scientologist, jumping on couches, and attacking Matt Lauer ... and attacking Brooke Shields".

Since she left the church, she is now reconnecting with the Catholic faith. "[You] could go from working in a laundry room to working industrial sanders".

Remini claimed in an interview with "20/20" on Friday, October 30, that Holmes wrote what is called a "knowledge report" detailing her unhappiness with Remini's behavior at her wedding.

Jennifer Lopez, who is one of Leah's oldest friends, was on-hand for the nuptials. "The church was really the one who invited them, on Tom's behalf", Leah explained. Leah claims she finally convinced the women to pick up Suri and give her a bottle of milk. She implied that the church may have seen the wedding as a chance to recruit a few famous new members.

Leah Remini almost burst into tears discussing Katie Holmes on Monday morning's "Good Morning America".

"They were always trying to extract me", Remini said. That in itself describes what kind of person Ms. Remini is: "self-absorbed, rude and embarrassing, all traits she displayed as a guest of this event according to parishioners who attended".

An even bigger issue for Remini was the fact that her friend Shelly Miscavige - who is the wife of the Church's leader, David Misavige - was absent at the wedding.

"His behaviour reflected badly on Scientology and me", she writes.

Are you interested in reading all about Leah Remini's life in the Church of Scientology? I can only assume because they wanted to make Jennifer a Scientologist.

Later, both sisters faced ethics charges for getting involved with boys and narrowly avoided being sent into the Rehabilitation Project Force, the church's re-education camp. They also faced ethics charges for their relationships. "When you have screwed up royally in the Sea Org, it's basically to reform you". You have to run everywhere you go. "So it's pretty severe punishment for an adult, not to mention a child". "There's tools that are... very helpful...to you in your life, to you as an actor", she said. "So I walked into a room, where a few people might cower in from of a casting director - I wasn't".

"At the time, I was fighting with her", she told Amy Robach.

Jessica Simpson didn't have to do much to channel Christie Brinkley for Halloween, but damn, her husband Eric Johnson looks like he literally got Chevy Chase's face transplanted on top of his own for his Clark Griswold costume. She did not admit or deny writing the knowledge report. "I don't regret spending my life there because it did really teach me a lot".

Following her blockbuster interview with 20/20 on Friday, The New York Daily News has attained an advance copy of Leah Remini's upcoming book to reveal the actress makes a few shocking claims about Tom Cruise and his family.
