Republicans must focus: There is only one mission now -- electing a GOP

To their mind, there are elections, and then there is "governing", and governing to them means not messing with a gargantuan government on autopilot.

Don't bet on it yet.

While the emergent conservative ecosystem has worked wonders for demagogues and political entrepreneurs, it's been disastrous for the Republican National Committee (RNC) and the establishment wing of the party. Among primary voters, Republicans are more likely to enjoy Country (11.6 times) and Rock (6.3 times) while Democrats prefer R&B (9.9 times), Blues (8.7 times) and Hip Hop (7.1 times).

Alex Vogel, a Republican strategist who worked for former Senate majority leader Bill Frist, says conservatives are wrestling with what sort of party they want to be. They simply can't control the party any longer, and they're increasingly hated by their own constituencies.

"I'm deadly serious about doing this job the right way". I mean I don't think there is a person that he hasn't taken a jab at. There is a real world outside the political arena, and in that real world in which Americans spend their lives, the US economy, well, stinks. In fact, in the House, it is the Democrats who have ceased to function, as Republicans still hold 247 seats - their largest majority since 1927.

Until the Democratic debate on CNN took place, many viewers still had the idea that the media were neutral players in the presidential race.

I remain of the view that Hillary Clinton - now running against Vermont socialist Bernie Sanders and two virtual unknowns - is unbeatable for the Democrat nomination, but the Republican race is still wide open.

Against this backdrop, the overwhelming House Republican vote on Thursday to install Rep. Paul Ryan as speaker couldn't be more welcome; only nine members didn't support Ryan's ascension - even though his critique of the hardcore flamethrowers in his caucus was blunt.

When we have this continual debate of who's on top, and who's not, it further reiterates to Americans that this is who they should be CONSIDERING.

For the second half of the Obama presidency, Congress has been held to ransom by the block of arch conservatives railing against Obama's healthcare insurance expansion, climate change efforts, immigration changes and spending programs. The U.S. Home planned on approve a bipartisan finances deal in that congressional leaders struck with President Barack Obama after weeks of secret negotiations. Everything - every issue - should be tabled while we work to put a capable Republican in the White House.

American University professor of history Allan Lichtman says Ryan may be able to paper over cracks temporarily, but Republican divisions will remain. But Jeb has failed to connect with voters. The populist base of the party resents his family name and he has been forced to cut campaign staff and salaries as the big money donors become less faithful.

Momentum is building for the 44-year old Senator from Florida, Marco Rubio, to steal a march on Trump and Carson.

The USA economy stayed afloat in the third quarter despite global turmoil, but it's struggling to break out of the slow-growth pace that has plagued the economic expansion. (Carson leapt ahead in the New York Times poll this week).

John Kasich, the Ohio governor and most moderate Republican presidential candidate, labelled Trump and Carson's tax slashing plans as "fantasy" policies that would add trillions of dollars in debt.

"Folks, we gotta wake up!" We show in the book that the relationship between who has the most endorsements and who does well is strongest among partisan voters.

There is still time. For the first time, a candidate who could have a reasonable chance of winning next year's general election - Sen.

Given the increased orthodoxy on the Republican side, there's little surprise that more news people opt for Democrats than Republicans.

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