Fiorina's claim about women's job loss is half the story

One hour into the evening, the former CEO of Hewlett Packard was already nimbly fielding questions and offering sharp ripostes.

Fiorina barely registered among national Republicans through most of the summer, and her low national poll numbers did not qualify her for the main stage at the first debate in Cleveland. But every time Fiorina has risen in the polls after a debate, she's sunk nearly as quickly. Only Rick Santorum, Bobby Jindal and Mike Huckabee, who are essentially camped out in the state but still lagging in the polls, have done more.

Though polls that Fiorina's popularity might be waning, there's little to suggest that has anything to do with her gender. She is against Obamacare and doesn't support government-guaranteed family leave.

Perhaps Fiorina's feelings about meritocracy have something to do with her experience as a former female CEO and the only female Republican presidential candidate in the race. It was Fiorina's chance to stand out from the crowd of male candidates in Colorado, but it's clear she has her eyes on her potential Democratic opponent.

Despite never having served in office, Fiorina spoke with confidence in the first two debates about a range of issues, including foreign policy. But her credentials in that regard aren't quite pure.

In many ways, this crossover is what makes her so appealing. Jeb Bush also shared 7 percent of the vote. "She isn't promoting a redefinition of feminism", the writer argued.

Like Fiorina, Mr. Trump and Mr. Carson, the two frontrunners, are both politically inexperienced outsiders, but the similarities end there. However she hasn't been capable of sustain these leads.

Also working against her is the way in which Trump and Carson are able to garner media attention. Fiorina didn't recover too well from that one when one of the moderators referenced Perkins' comments during the debate.

"You know what happens if someone's been in the system their whole life: they don't know how broken the system is", Fiorina said during the CNN GOP debate September 16.

"This is the second debate Fiorina won", Vox concluded after the debate in Simi Valley, California.

She has a complicated feminist record. Apparently to counter this, a campaign event in the days after the debate included a trip to a pregnancy center to watch a sonogram being performed. She believes in defunding Planned Parenthood, arming Ukraine to stand up against Russian Federation, and tightening border control. You see? No, still don't get it? "It's a huge missed opportunity".

"I am running for the presidency of the United States because I think we were meant to be a citizen government, and I think that as citizens, it is high time we take our government back", Fiorina said.

Carly Fiorina's presidential campaign says she is not accepting paid speaking engagements despite an email sent by a Washington-based speakers bureau Tuesday claiming Fiorina has "limited availability" for paid speeches.

She said that a simpler and shorter tax code could help level the playing field between the wealthy and the Americans who can't afford to hire lawyers and accountants.

"For a surgeon, Ben Carson has a pretty poor diagnosis", she wrote in a text message, according to NBC News, writing in another, "Seems to me: 10 candidates". Romney's website also hosted the claim.

I swear, people would blame Obama for the fact that pigs can't fly if they could.

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