Star Wars: J.J. Abrams Answers to George Lucas and Other Celebs

Star Wars: The Force Awakens opens in the UK on December 17 and in the United States on December 18. Even before he was given the job of directing the upcoming Star Wars: The Force Awakens, J.J. Abrams has been answering questions about Star Wars.

Disney/Pixar's "Inside Out" released a clip of the film's stars watching the new trailer through the lens of protagonist, Riley, and they all reacted just as we did - with screaming, falling down, and overall excitement.

Asked about where he is in the filmmaking process right now, at an red carpet event in America, JJ Abrams revealed that special effects have his attention at the moment. "These are good questions to be asking", he says.

Whatever the case may be, reaction to the newest trailer has been overwhelmingly positive and Abrams couldn't be happier about it. "Uh, you tell me, man. You make all this shit up".

While there's not much there in terms of the new characters' combat abilities, we do get a glimpse at some of the ridiculous match-ups that'll occur during the average online battle, including one sublimely silly face off between Darth Vader and Han Solo.

"We're in the editing room, working on the cut, going over visual effects and doing reviews", Abrams said. "The Force Awakens" stars Oscar Isaac, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Adam Driver, Domhnall Gleeson and Lupita Nyong'o. It is at this point that I give readers yet another SPOILER ALERT while also highlighting the fact that the following information is just an unconfirmed rumor at this point.


Getting past the actual Star Wars details, and getting back to the gameplay after the successful beta we've now got more of an understanding of what to expect from the game. Unlike the rest of us, he knows J.J. Abrams quite well.