'USA' Spray-Painted on Mosque in Burlington, Massachusetts

The Burlington Police Department (BPD) announced at a press conference today that the suspects are Cameron S. Cappella and Derrik M. Demone, age 18, of Burlington.

Police were called to the Islamic Center of Burlington at 1:45 a.m. on November 1. "U.S.A." was written numerous times with red spray paint outside the mosque, and eggs "were apparently thrown at the building", police .

"We were able to quickly close this shameful case involving a hate crime in our community", Burlington Police Chief Michael Kent said. "This is an open and active investigation, and we will use all of the means at our disposal to identify those responsible and hold them accountable for their malicious and disgraceful actions", Chief Kent said.

On Monday Munir Gandevia, president of the Islamic Center of Burlington, was surveying the damage at the mosque. One of the BPD officers recognized the auto, a white Crown Victoria that has a distinctive spotlight feature.

Worshipers were inside the mosque when it was vandalized, and are afraid violence could be next.

Police said portions of the incident were caught by surveillance cameras. "It is very serious".

Cappella and Demone were arraigned Monday afternoon at Woburn District Court.

The Anti-Defamation League of New England put out a statement thanking police for taking the vandalism seriously and making quick arrests.

"There is nothing patriotic about attacking Muslims", the League said.


Earlier this year, a young man took off his shirt, wore it like a head scarf, and taunted people exiting the mosque, according to John Robbins, executive director of the Massachusetts chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
