Why this teen Instagrammer deleted all of her accounts 5:05PM

A popular social media maven is revealing the painful truth behind the ideal poses.

The Instagram star, whose bounty of beach selfies and mini-fashion shoots have earned her double taps and endorsements galore, has spoken up about her decision to quit social media altogether - and her story about the underbelly of being an online sensation is pretty shocking indeed.

"This is my last ever ", the initial text reads.

But the world doesn't work this way...or at least, before social media existed, it definitely didn't. For most watching, it is not. "They had all these likes and I thought, Damn, I want to be that". You are reading this now because you are a game changer, you might not know your power yet, I am just finding mine, but man... when you do... far out you'll go insane. I just think it should be known. Is that what we want?The "Precious" actress had the most incredible comeback to cruel about her weight.

In a radical move, O'Neill has deleted the better part of 2,000 photos on her Instagram only leaving a handful which she has amended the descriptions of to reveal the actual reality of what those images took to create or how she was actually feeling at the time.

I think the views of Essena O'Neill have solidified my stance on the people that have purely become rental billboards. It's contrived images and edited clips ranked against each other. She renamed the account "" and added that she "was both addicted to social approval and terrified no one would value me for myself". Shouldn't you be manufacturing your own ruse in order to build your social media clout even if we can all agree as Essena explains, 'social media, especially how I used it, isn't real.

I grew up seeing other women as competition. I told myself this at 11. "I don't agree with social media as it now is", she said. "Social media isn't real". What is the point? Comparing our lives every second we get?

She explains that she took more than 100 shots to get just the right one, that the one shot she did get was edited on several apps, that she was paid by companies to promote their products, that she was having a really bad day in a photo but you can't tell from her luminous smile, that she would have yelled at her little sister for doing what she did to get the right photo. But I don't want to live in a society that compares and contrasts human beings for the sake of it. I want to live in a society that looks for the positives and individual traits in each of us. It's a system based on social approval, likes and dislikes, validation in views, success in followers...it's perfectly orchestrated judgement. REAL STUFF: the projects we are working on, the dreams we have, the ideas we are exploring, the parts of the world we wish to help, the parts of ourselves we wish to heal.

She has posted two of herself without makeup and styling, appearing natural and uninhibited. "When you let yourself be defined by numbers, you let yourself be defined by something that is not real, that is not pure, and that is not love", she says.
