Star Wars: The Force Awakens is "incredible", promises Harrison Ford

Of course, Kimmel, dressed as Princess Leia, took this opportunity to press Ford about the film, but Ford wasn't having it. "What is there to say?".

"This was not a movie", said Ford, deadpanning. Is your hot dog so big because it's full of secrets? But Ford was one quiet dog.

"Jimmy Kimmel Live!" airs at 11;35 p.m. on . However, when asked about why Luke Skywalker has been absent from the marketing of the film, he preferred not to disclose anything. "I need the viewers to expertise it, I do not need them to listen to something". Nevertheless, he did admit to injuring himself on the door of the Millennium Falcon on-set.

The police report noted that a 71-year-old man was injured by a garage door but, in reality, Ford was hurt by something from that galaxy far, far away.

Harrison Ford's vintage plane crashed on Penmar Golf Course in California earlier this year

"For...D!" the Star War veteran added. Just little things. He's got a really soft voice, but I know he's very interested in what's going on, not only as an actor, but nearly as a director.

Harrison Ford's recollection of his plane crash in March sounds like something out of a movie. But he followed that with a cryptic tease: "There's a very good reason, but I can't tell you".

"I'm your lover", Kimmel said.

He said he could remember only a few of the events preceding the accident. "That's the last thing I remember until five days afterward".

Although the actor wasn't rendered unconscious after landing, his memory of details following the crash are limited.

"I didn't ask him [Lucas] to personally kill me off. I asked him to ask the writers to kill me off", explained Ford.

Thursday night to discuss "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" - while dressed in his Halloween costume. "Trust me." Well, if you can't trust Han Solo in a hot dog costume, who can you trust?

But his dress was meaningless next to what he had to say about Star Wars: The Force Awakens. The new cast, Daisy Ridley, Jon Boyega, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac, are phenomenal.

When asked to chose who he preferred between George Lucas and J. Abrams he hedged his bets and said: "I love them both".
