Mom caught on camera taking handfuls of Halloween candy

The theft happened Halloween night at a home in Serra Mesa.

One San Diego woman should probably have been a little more honest - or at least, a little more paranoid - after a hidden camera captured her making off with all her neighbour's Halloween candy. Each box had a sign that read "Help yourself, but please be considerate". The video shows kids coming up and just taking a few. But not in this case...

The video has been viewed over 2 million times since being posted on October 31. Shame shame, taking kids candy! The woman has been identified as El Cajon resident Trisha Farrell.

A family was scheduled to be away from home on Halloween so they set up a table with a generous amount of chocolate bars and candy by the front door.

Next, a young boy comes to the porch after the nefarious candy bandits left to find no more.

"We went back and watched the whole thing from start to finish and realized that he actually took the bowl after he put the kids back in the auto", explained Rose. She waited until all of the other trick-or-treaters left and helped herself to all of the candy in the boxes.

No police reports have been filed in both incidents.
