Donald Trump's Bizarre Smear About Bernie Sanders and Golf

Next up for Sanders, it's back to New Hampshire for two days of events Sunday and Monday.

The rally is scheduled to begin at 7 p.m.

"As we travel the country campaigning for Bernie, we hear a lot of people saying, 'I love Bernie, but I am not sure he can win,'" Greenfield writes. Most analysts are betting against that. He is lagging behind Clinton in Iowa, 52-37 percent, according to one poll. Other surveys have shown somewhat larger margins.

At a Tuesday rally in Muscatine, Iowa, Sanders said the Iraqi army's success in retaking territory held by the Islamic State group is a model for defeating the terror organization. State Sens. Bill Perkins and James Sanders Jr., who represent Harlem and Queens, backed Sanders Wednesday - a valuable local endorsement for Sanders' campaign against front-runner Hillary Clinton, according to the NY Daily News. Since Bernie announced his run at the nomination seven months ago, he has generated more than 2.3 million individual donations totaling $41.5 million. If it is lower, Sanders has acknowledged, he will probably lose to Clinton.

Global warming, immigration, foreign policy and our country's national debt can be found on the short list of concerns for most presidential candidates and voters, but Republican hopeful Donald Trump brought up an issue he felt was perhaps as important - golf.

Sanders's crowds that gained most attention earlier this year tended to be in much larger cities that he visited only once and drew people from the surrounding region.

The Washington Post adds that the Vermont independent also told the New Year's Eve crowd: "Often as not, the turnout has been double what we expected".

During the New Year's Even speech, Bernie Sanders encouraged supporters to continue to stump for him, because, as he says, this election is not about him, but about the people.

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